USPRO Lamp settings. Follow
How to interpret USPro Lamp settings;
Flashes 4 / 5 / 8
Frequency (Hz) 5/ 5 / 5
Bursts/Flash 1/ 1 / 2
A Burst is the process that ignites the Xenon gas in the lamp. A Flash is a pulse of already ignited gas. For the UltraScan Pro for Large Area of View (LAV) there is one Burst which consists of 4 Flashes. It is difficult for the human eye to visually see the individual flashes, but one can audibly hear a "click" for each flash. In the setting above for LAV the lamp would come on, you would hear 4 clicks and the lamp would go off. In the setting above for Small Area of View (SAV) the lamp would come on, you would hear 8 clicks and the lamp would go off then the lamp would come on again you would hear 8 clicks and the lamp would go off .
The Frequency is the rate at which the lamp capacitor charges. This setting is always 5 for each Area View for each sensor.
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