Can I set up multiple transmission modes with different blank Top of Scales (TOS’s)? Follow
You can set up to 20 independent standardization modes. For example you can select SENSOR > SET MODE > ADD MODE, then change the displayed mode name, Mode #1 to DI Water, select type TTRAN, then Standardize the mode with a DI Water blank at the Port when prompted to do Top of Scale. Next select SENSOR > SET MODE > ADD MODE, then change the displayed mode name, Mode #1 to Basic Solution, select type TTRAN, then Standardize the mode with a Basic Solution blank at the Port when prompted to read Top-of-Scale. Next select SENSOR > SET MODE > ADD MODE, then change the displayed mode name, Mode #1 to Acid Solution, select type TTRAN, then Standardize the mode with an Acid Solution blank at the Port when prompted to read Top-of-Scale.
Each of these standardizations will stored in memory until the standardization is repeated or 8 hours elapses which ever happens first. If you want to switch modes between readings just click on SENSOR > SET MODE and click on the desired mode then click on OK.
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