Calibration Verification, Calibration, and Certificates of Calibration - an11_02r Follow
HunterLab offers several services to ensure proper calibration and accurate operation of your instrument.
I. Calibration Verification
HunterLab’s calibration verification service is available for the following instruments:
• ColorFlex
• ColorQuest 45/0 LAV
• ColorQuest XE
• ColorQuest XT
• D25A
• D25L
• D25LT
• LabScan XE
• MiniScan XE Plus
• UltraScan XE
• UltraScan PRO
• UltraScan VIS.
The results of this check indicate whether the instrument is still in calibration or if it requires service. The report obtained at the end of the check is given to you and should be kept in a safe place.
The calibration verification service is generally performed in conjunction with a preventive maintenance service either at your site or at HunterLab. It involves reading a set of stable, colored tiles on your instrument through a special software package which then compares the instrument’s readings to the tiles’ target values. Each tile has a target value and a range of values around the target value that are considered acceptable based on the instrument’s performance tolerances. Your instrument is unlikely to return the exact target value for a tile, but it should be
close if the instrument is operating properly. The software assesses whether the instrumental result is within the acceptable range and assigns a pass or fail indicator.
For instance, the yellow tile might have target values of L* = 83.51, a* = 1.68, and b* = 76.40 and the acceptable ranges for UltraScan XE are L* between 83.26 and 83.76, a* between 1.43 and 1.93, and b* between 76.15 and 76.65. An instrument with a yellow tile reading of L* = 83.51, a* = 1.52, and b* = 76.30 would pass the yellow tile check because all values fall within the specified ranges, while an instrument with yellow tile values of L* = 83.78, a* = 1.45, and b* = 76.08 would fail because the L* and b* values are outside the acceptable range.
• Pass indicates that the X, Y, and Z (or L, a, and b) values read by your instrument for the standard tile fall within the specified range. If readings for all tiles pass, the instrument passes the calibration verification and no service is required.
• Fail indicates that the X, Y, and Z (or L, a, b) values read by your instrument for the standard tile fall outside the specified range. If readings for any tile fail, the instrument fails the calibration verification check and service on the instrument should be performed.
Note: Target values and ranges differ by instrument, are proprietary to HunterLab, and are subject to change without notice.
The calibration verification check is ordinarily run at the beginning of an instrument service session to give the technician an idea of its performance, and then run again after maintenance and any required service is performed. If the instrument still fails the check after it is serviced, recalibration of the instrument at HunterLab is recommended.
When the check is complete, HunterLab then provides a signed Calibration Verification Report. An example report is shown on the next page.
The calibration verification service is billed at a flat rate, which is added to the cost of your normal preventive maintenance or service call. All parts and labor associated with instrument repairs are billed separately. Contact HunterLab Technical Support for pricing.
(See attached for the complete article)
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