EasyMatch QC error message - “Operation must use updateable query” Follow
FAQ: “When I open the EasyMatch QC software I receive a run time error and/or a failed to create empty document error. Also, when I perform certain functions in EasyMatch QC I receive a run time error and the software closes.”
The message can come from more than one source but the most common is related to the assignment of privilege to write to EasyMatch QC database shown at the top of the banner bar. If the User logged into the computer does not have full read/modify/write privileges to the database file or the folder where this database is kept, this message will be triggered whenever a measurement record is saved to the database.
To fix this have a System Administrator for the computer grant EasyMatch QC+ER Users the required privileges. Locate the c:\HunterLab\EasyMatchQC folder (or EasyMatchQC-ER Client if using EasyMatch QC-ER software), right-clicking on the folder; then select Sharing and Security. On the Security tab, locate the appropriate User(s) and “Allow” all Users read, write, and modify privileges.
As default, an Access-type database “EZMQC.mdb” is created upon installation, and “AutoSave Measurement” checked to save all measurements as a backup. This may be triggering the message if the record is trying to be saved to the database when access privileges prevent it, or if the database “EZMQC.mdb” has been moved from its default location at “c:\HunterLab\EasyMatch QC\Jobs”.
If a System Administrator is not immediately available to assign the required Windows privileges, you may temporarily eliminate appearance of this error message by selecting the OPTIONS > SYSTEM CONFIGURATION > DATA STORAGE and unchecking “AUTOSAVE MEASUREMENT”.
Also avoid using the FILE > SAVE MEASUREMENT TO DATABASE command. Note that no measurements can be saved to the database for this user until the proper Windows privileges are assigned by your System Administrator.
FAQ: "Using EasyMatch QC version 4.70, I have solved the issue with the updatable query by deleting the existing database file & starting a new database file. This issue went away then."
This would also resolve the issue.
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