Standard Applets for ColorQuest XE with Touch Display Follow
ColorQuest XE (CQXE) with Touch Display is a dedicated transmittance color instrument for transparent solids and liquids, and is able to measure in transmittance and reflectance with two areas of sample view, UV calibration and transmittance haze. The CQXE with Touch Display is an all-around instrument with a dedicated processor.
ColorQuest XE Touch has the same set of applets as ColorQuest XT with extras added to take advantage of the additional instrument capabilities and the Spectral Data Applet takes the place of the CQXT Transmittance Data Applet.
All applets allow users to read and clear readings, enter IDs, standardize the instrument, run diagnostics and ASCII print to a serial printer or data collector. The following applets are pre-loaded in the CQXE Touch Screen, with a backup CD copy provided to the customer.
3-Points Applet allows the user to select and display up to 3 individual transmittance or absorbance values. A spectral plot is also displayed.
Absorbance Applet displays a spectral plot and absorbance data (absolute and differences) at 10-nm intervals for the spectral range of the instrument. Users can also select to display any individual absorbance data point. Any cell path length can be used.
APHA Applet displays absolute and difference APHA/PtCo/Hazen Color values per ASTM D1209 and D5386. A C02-1005-481 Transmittance Cell Holder and one of the following cells are required - 13-8573-40 10-mm Transmittance Cell (high chroma) or 04-4592-00 Transmittance Cell, 20-mm (medium to low chroma) or 13-8573-20 Transmittance Cell, 50-mm (low chroma). CIE X, Y, Z; Hunter L, a, b; and CIE L*, a*, b* values for D65/10 and C/2 conditions can be configured for display, as well as Y Transmission and ASTM E313 Yellowness Indices.
ADMI Applet displays absolute and difference ADMI Color values. A C02-1005-481 Transmittance Cell Holder and one of the following cells are required - 13-8573-40 10-mm Transmittance Cell (high chroma) or 13-8573-20 Transmittance Cell, 50-mm (low chroma). Also provided are CIE X, Y, Z; Hunter L, a, b; and CIE L*, a*, b* values for D65/10 and C/2 conditions, as well as Y Transmittance and ASTM E313 Yellowness Indices.
ASBC/EBC Applet displays absolute and difference ASBC and EBC beer color values, as well as a "Turbidity" assignment. A 13-8573-40,10-mm Transmittance Cell and C02-1005-481 Transmittance Cell Holder are required. Also provided are CIE X, Y, Z; Hunter L, a, b; and CIE L*, a*, b* values for D65/10 and C/2 conditions, as well as Y Transmittance and ASTM E313 Yellowness Indices.
Color Data Applet displays CIE X, Y, Z; Y, x, y; Hunter L, a, b; CIE L*, a*, b*; L*, C*, h absolute and difference values for D65/10 and C/2 conditions, as well as delta E, E* and Ecmc difference. Y Transmittance and ASTM E313 Yellowness Indices are also included. Any cell path length can be used.
Transmittance Applet displays a spectral plot and transmittance data (absolute and differences) at 10-nm intervals for the spectral range of the instrument. Users can also select to display an individual transmittance data point. Any cell path length can be used.
Gardner Applet displays absolute and difference Gardner Color values per ASTM D1544 and D6166. A 13-8573-40,10-mm Transmittance Cell and C02-1005-481 Transmittance Cell Holder are required. Also provided are CIE X, Y, Z; Hunter L, a, b; and CIE L*, a*, b* values for D65/10 and C/2 conditions, as well as Y Transmittance and ASTM E313 Yellowness Indices.
ASTM Color Applet displays absolute and difference ASTM D1500 Color values per ASTM D1500 and D6045. A B04-1003-801 Transmittance Cell, 33-mm and C02-1005-481 Transmittance Cell Holder are required. Also provided are CIE X, Y, Z; Hunter L, a, b; and CIE L*, a*, b* values for D65/10 and C/2 conditions, as well as Y Transmittance and ASTM E313 Yellowness Indices.
Saybolt Applet displays absolute and difference Saybolt Color values per ASTM D156 and D6045. A 13-8573-20 Transmittance Cell, 50-mm and C02-1005-481 Transmittance Cell Holder are required. Also provided are CIE X, Y, Z; Hunter L, a, b; and CIE L*, a*, b* values for D65/10 and C/2 conditions, as well as Y Transmittance and ASTM E313 Yellowness Indices.
Spectral Data Applet displays a spectral plot and transmittance/reflectance data (absolute and differences) at 10-nm intervals for the spectral range of the instrument. Users can also select to display an individual data point.
Haze Applet displays relative haze values per ASTM D1500 and D6945. A B04-1003-801 Transmittance Cell, 33-mm and C02-1005-481 Transmittance Cell Holder are required. Also provided are CIE X, Y, Z; Hunter L, a, b; and CIE L*, a*, b* values for D65/10 and C/2 conditions, as well as the Y Transmittance value.
UV Cal Applet allows the ColorQuest Touch to be UV calibrated.
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