EZMOL options for Color Measurement Data output to LIMs Follow
FAQ “I have a new question that I’m hoping you can help me with. We would like to come up with a way to get color data for each coil processed out of EasyMatch OL and into our L2 data system.”
If you are using EasyMatch OL then you can export data to a PC file or out the COM port of the PC to your LIMs L2 data collection system.
STEP-1: In the SYSTEM SETUP > LOGGINGand in theData Output section, please select the properties to be sent (Time/Date, Lot/Roll etc.).
STEP-2: The Remote Data section offers to send the data to COM port or named file.
a) Check Serial port option to send data to a COM port.
b) Check Disk File option to send data to file specified in the File Path.
STEP-3: Remote Data output sends data to a COM port or a file, only if Write to Lot File option is checked in RUN > PRODUCT SETUP > EASYMATCH OL PRODUCT SETUP > PAGE 3.
Edited by Greg and Gordon
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