How to Clean Tiles Follow
When not using the instrument tile standards, keep them in the standards box. Inspect the standards for dust and fingerprints before standardizing the instrument.
The white and green tiles can be cleaned using a soft nylon-bristle brush, warm water, and laboratory grade detergent such as SPARKLEEN. Wipe the tiles dry using a clean, non-optically-brightened, lint free paper towel, or use warm water as a rinse and let stand to air-dry in a couple of minutes.
Note: SPARKLEEN is manufactured by Fisher Scientific Co., Pittsburgh, PA 15219, and may be ordered from them using catalog number 4-320-4. Add one tablespoon of SPARKLEEN to a gallon of water.
The above procedure is particularly useful if the lab area is not clean. If, however, the lab is clean, an equally effective method for occasional tile cleaning is to use IPQ (isopropyl alcohol) sprayed onto a clean, non-optically-brightened, lint free paper towel such as a Kim wipe. Wipe tile thoroughly watching for finger-prints, and let air dry.
Keep the light trap and/or the black tile in the standards case when not in use to prevent it from becoming scratched or collecting dust. Before standardizing the instrument, check the light trap and/or black tile for scratches and dust. Significant scratches that result in a hazy appearance to the finish may cause standardization to be in error. If the light trap or black tile is scratched, call the HunterLab Order Processing Department or contact your local HunterLab representative to order a replacement.
The white fluorescent standard used with the UV control feature must be cleaned as well. This plastic standard can be cleaned with a weak liquid detergent solution and rinsed with distilled water. Again, for the occasional cleaning, IPA and a Kim wipe will work.
Created by Norman and Gordon
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