How do I use Diagnostics in Vista Essentials? Follow
Go to WORKSPACE > DIAGNOSTICS. All tests and features in Diagnostics become available in Essentials Rev 1.01.0025 and above. To download the latest Vista Essentials software, go to Vista support website.
Vista Essentials (Rev 1.01.0025 and above) has added PERFORMANCE DIAGNOSTICS tests (Repeatability test, ND filter test, Didymium filter test, Haze filter test, and Run Auto-Diag.) and ADVANCED DIAGNOSTICS tests (Shutter door in/out, Haze door open/close, Read Signal/Dark/Zero/Loop, Standardization, Measure, Printer driver, and restart COMM).
Note: Following tests are primarily for use by the service department at HunterLab and not recommended for customer use: Run Auto-Diag, Shutter door in/out, Haze door open/close, and Read Signal/Dark/Zero/Loop.
- Performance > Repeatability Test: The Repeatability test assesses how consistently the instrument can measure color. Thirty readings are taken and each of the must be in tolerance to get a Pass assessment in the end.
- Performance > Neutral Density Filter Test: This test requires that you enter the target values for the ND filter. The test takes 10 readings and averages them for comparison with the target.
- Performance > Didymium Filter Test: The Didymium Filter test allows you to assess readings of the Didymium filter provided with the instrument. This checks for wavelength accuracy of the instrument and should be done on a regular basis (i.e., weekly or bi-weekly) as part of your routine instrument performance check. The test takes 10 readings and averages them for comparison with the target.
- Performance > Haze Standard Test: The Haze test reads the haze standard and provides a pass or fail evaluation based on an average of 5 readings as compared to the standard.
- Performance/Run Auto-Diag: Auto Diagnostics runs all tests and detailed results for instrument information. Voltage, Shutter Door, Haze Door, Energy test, Dark/Zero, repeatability(optional), ND filter(optional), Didymium Filter(optional) and Haze Standard(optional) can be exported to a CSV file. Also, the results are saved automatically and can be print through Essentials.
- Advanced Tests: These tests are primarily for the HunterLab’s Service Department. The following features may be of use to the user: upload of printer drivers (PRINTER DRIVERS) and restarting the communications with a computer (RESTART COMM).
Another APP named Vista diagnostics can be found in the Vista home screen. This can also be used to check Vista functions. An instructional video explaining how to use the Vista diagnostics can be found at
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