EasyMatch QC+ER – what information is in a Job Template? Follow
FAQ: “I have always thought of an EasyMatch QC+ER Job Template as being a configuration of views, basically everything but the measurements. Is that correct?”
That’s not a bad definition. Here are configuration settings saved in a normal Job Template:
- Read Method configuration settings
- ASCII Export configuration settings
- Send Data Configuration settings
- Sample/Standard Naming Conventions
- Timed Read configuration settings
- Print Job setup settings
- The settings for each data or graphic View.For example in the Color Data Table view, this would include Page Headers, choice of color scales and differences , illuminant/observer combinations, indices, custom formulas etc.
- Measurement Average settings
- Global Tolerances entered for all product standards
Please note that each Job file is serialized with the respective template information by name. For every Job in the Jobs sub-folder (xxx.jds), there should be a corresponding Job Template (xxx.jtp) of the same name in the Job Templates sub-folder.
However if a JTP file is deleted, the JTP Job Template file will be created automatically while opening the respective JDS Job and the application uses JTP file information only in further operations.
FAQ: “I always thought that if I deleted a Job Template (or if a client sent me a Job without the corresponding Job Template) and I opened it, the default Job Template (typically “01 Basic Color Template” found at c:\HunterLab\EasyMatch QC or EasyMatch QC-ER Client\Templates) would be used instead. When the Job was then saved, a Job Template of the same name as the Job would then be saved and both Job and Job Template updated to the EasyMatch QC+ER version format I am using. Am I right on this?”
EasyMatch QC saves the Job file with the associated template’s complete information embedded with the Job as well as the template information as a separate JTP file.
When a Job is opened, the application fetches the template information from the respective Job Template (JTP) file and uses in all further operations. If changes are made to the views in any way, when the Job is closed, the serialized Job Template of the same name will be updated.
If when opening a Job, the corresponding JTP file is not found, the application creates a JTP file on the fly using the embedded JTP information in the Job
EasyMatch QC+ER does not use the default JTP in such case; only for a New Job is the default template used for configuration.
FAQ: “If I open up a Job Template, why can’t I see the Job Template configuration settings?”
Both Jobs and Job Templates are saved in a very efficient binary format rather than human readable ASCII or XML characters.
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