Measuring the emission of LED's using an UltraScan PRO Follow
Question: How can I measure the emission of an LED using my UltraScan PRO? I talked with your Technical Support team and they said it could not be done.
Our technical support team is not equipped to handle questions about non-standard uses of HunterLab instruments. The UltraScan PRO is designed to measure Transmitted or Reflected light from a specimen using methods described by the CIE and ASTM. Measuring emitted light is not a recommended use of the UltraScan Pro and we do not offer any software products that would allow you to easily measure emitted light per CIE or ASTM methods to directly calculate Tristimulus or CIELUV coordinates.
We do have the ability to scan the array to record the response from emission sources such as your LED's but this moves from the realm of typical support over to what we term PAR (Paid Application Research). In simple terms, you would have to pay a HunterLab technician to train you in how to configure the instrument to collect this data so that it provides meaningful results.
The UltraScan PRO Diagnostics software that was supplied with the instrument would allow to scan the array without flashing the lamp and then you could paste the results into a spreadsheet or notepad. This is done by establishing a connection between the instrument and the diagnostics program, then clicking on the Raw Data Tab, checking the box labeled Dark Noise, then clicking on the Flash icon.. Results are automatically copied to the clipboard. Use the Edit | Paste command to copy the data to a new location. This would be raw pixel data not corrected for bandpass or wavelength position. I'm not sure how useful this data would be to you.
Do you still need more information? Submit a ticket and our support team member will reach out to you soon!
HunterLab does offer CMR -2900 an option that consists of ActiveX/OCX Control program for $296
Used on: USPRO Provides an ActiveX/OCX control for interfacing to a HunterLab UltraScan PRO sensor. A separate HTML-based help file that describes the control interface is also provided, along with code samples for Visual Basic and Excel that illustrate how to communicate with the instrument. This program provides the ability to standardize and read spectral data (only) for Standards and Samples. The User is responsible for any subsequent color calculations from the spectral data. This Active X/OCX interface allows the User to configure a unique data collection and reporting solution while using HunterLab's color measurement expertise and sensor. The ActiveX/OCX is designed for use with Windows XP, VISTA and WIN 7 32/64, WIN 8 operating systems. Delivery:2 weeks
You could purchase this CMR and write your own data collection program to measure the emission of your LED's
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