Can NML White Standard be used with USPro Follow
Question: Can I send my USPro White tile to my National Meteorology Laboratory and have it calibrated, then enter the calibrated values into the firmware for the instrument to use?
The everwhite tile that is supplied with the is calibrated relative to PTFE that was measured on an UltraScan Pro. This is how ASTM specifies that the Top-of-Scale be assigned. As a proficiency check we measure a white tile and compare the reading to how NIST read that tile. If there is no difference within the uncertainties of both measurements then there is no difference between the assignments.
I would suggest that your customer do the same. They can either send their tile, or purchase a new tile and send it to NIST/NPL. then when the tile is returned they can standardize the sensor with the HunterLab-supplied white calibrated tile and then read the NIST/NPL assigned tile and compare results.
This can be done for both Reflectance Specular-Included (RSIN) and Reflectance Specular-Excluded (RSEX).
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