How to use HunterLab File Service Package to Backup/restore data from Vista/Aeros/Agera to a PC through a network Follow
In previous Essentials, Backup/Restore can only be done through a thumb drive attached in front USB port of Vista/Aeros/Agera. The Thumb drive is restricted in some customer sites and users prefer to save data into their network drive directly. To this end, we have implemented a file service which provides the network storage facility for Essentials-VISTA/Aeros/Agera to backup/restore the File/Folder.
To get this feature, the user needs to install the file service:
- Vista Essentials version Rev 1.07.0094 and above,
- Agera Essentials version 1.02.0075 and above,
- Aeros Essentials Version above 1.04.0082 and above.
1. Steps to configure HunterLab File Service
Step 1: Install the attached installation package files into a networked PC.
Step 2: Run the executable FILESERVICEINSTALLER.EXE and follow the guided steps to complete the installation process.
Step 3: After installation a shortcut for HUNTERLAB FILE SERVICE CONFIG TOOL will be created on the Desktop.
Step 4: Double click on the shortcut HUNTERLAB FILE SERVICE CONFIG TOOL, and then a Configuration dialog will be displayed as shown below.
Step 5: In the above Configuration dialog, select the ROOT FOLDER by clicking on BROWSE button. The Essentials Backup will be stored in the configured Root Folder path.
Step 6: Enter the Port Number for the network File service. (Port number "8888" here is the one that we configured in our PC.)
Note: Please do not use any existing system service port numbers. Make sure that the configured port number must be added to Exceptions in the firewall. The configured port number in the server must be same at the client side (Essentials).
Step 7: Click on the APPLY button. The File service will be restarted with the new settings.
2. Setting Up the Client Side (Essentials VISTA/AEROS/AGERA side)
In Essentials, to go JOBS > DATA MANAGEMENT > BACKUP/RESTORE and then SELECT ACTION dialog will be displayed. The Select Action dialog normally contains the options to BACKUP and RESTORE. The user can choose between USB DRIVE or NETWORK STORAGE. When USB Drive option is selected, the Backup and Restore operations will be performed into the USB flash drive plugged into the system. When Network Storage option is selected, the Backup and Restore operations are performed into a network folder of the specified system where the HunterLab File Service is installed.
Step 1: Click on NETWORK STORAGE SETTINGS Button. In the next screen enter the IP ADDRESS and PORT NUMBER of HUNTERLAB FILE SERVICE. The "Auto Backup Interval" can be setup to backup the Hunterlab folder to the network path automatically. In the below case, the hunterlab folder will be saved into the network place every one day. The hunterlab folder in the network place will be saved with the timestamp and won't be overwritten.
Step 2: Click on TEST CONNECTION to verify the connectivity to the HunterLab File Service.
Step 3: Click APPLY to save the settings. The saved network settings will be used for the Network Backup and Restore operations.
Step 4: After successful configuration of network settings, Click BACKUP/RESTORE to perform the complete BACKUP/RESTORE of the HunterLab folder between Essentials and the specified network server’s folder.
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