Cloning D25NC Setups for Export and Import Follow
The D25 NC instrument does have the ability to copy/clone setups from one instrument to another. To do this you will need the following cable and a thumb drive that has been configured from HunterLab.
Attach the USB adapter and thumb drive to the port in the back of the sensor. From the main menu select System Settings > Setup Maintenance > Export Setups.
Begin the export and it should show progress as all 250 setups are downloaded onto the drive.
The exported file should be a CSV file with the instruments serial number, i.e. 250125.csv. For the import process the file must match the serial number of the instrument that it is connected to. So in this example you exported setups from 250125.csv but you want to import them into instrument 250127. You must rename the CSV file to match the instrument that you will be importing into. You can do this by right clicking on the file and selecting rename. In this example that would be 250127.csv.
Once the file name matches the serial number that you will be importing into you repeat the above process but select Import Setups to load them into the sensor.
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