How do I setup Convergence in Vista/Agera Essentials and EZMQC Follow
Convergence is an optional feature in EasyMatch QC and Essentials. It allows users to save each measurement data from Essentials-based instruments into a SQL database automatically, which could help users to organize data. Data in a SQL database is more secure in comparison to data saved locally in an instrument. Users can get the color data of all measurements through SQL database directly (No need to setup auto export). Users can take measurements through Essentials, recall these measurements in EasyMatch QC from a SQL database and then analyze data in EasyMatch QC. Measurements will be shown in both Essentials and EasyMatch QC simultaneously if both software packages are active.
Convergence is available for Vista Essentials Rev 1.10 and above, Agera Essentials Rev 1.07 and above, and EasyMatch QC 4.98 and above. Please note that Convergence works only in English for Vista/Agera Essentials.
Here are steps to setup Convergence in Essentials and EasyMatch QC.
- Setup CommonDB in SQL
Essentials-VISTA and EasyMatch QC applications store the measurements in a Common Database maintained in a networked SQL Server. The Common Database needs to be created in a SQL Server using the attached SQL script file, "CommonDB_Script.sql".
- Setup Convergence in Essentials
2.1. Convergence is an additional function for Essentials software, which need to be enabled by a CMR code. After Convergence is enabled, it will be shown in the Workspace menu. If Convergence is not enabled in your instrument, please contact and we can help to enable it through our Remote Support Access.
2.2. Select WORKSPACE > CONVERGENCE to display the below options as shown in the below list of options.
Convergence and Sub-menu
2.3. Click “COMMON DB SETTINGS”. In Common DB Settings dialog, select NETWORK DATABASE (Local DB is not available), enter the SQL server address and credentials. Click TEST CONNECTION to verify the Database connection then click APPLY to save the configuration settings.
Configure SQL Database
Note: Please use Server Port number as 1433 (for below SQL Server 2012). For SQL Server 2012 and above, please follow the below steps to find the port number to be used.
- Click on PROTOCOLS FOR SQLEXPRESS item and open the TCP/IP Properties dialog.
- Now, use the port number mentioned in TCP DYNAMIC PORTS under IPAll.
SQL Configuration Manager
2.4 Convergence is setup in Essentials. All the measurements from Essentials will be saved to the CommonDB automatically
(Note: the local database in HunterLab folder will still save measurements as normal. CommonDB is an additional database to save data. )
2.4.1 Users can use CONVERGENCE > RECALL to recall measurements from Common database. Click RECALL to select the Samples/Standards from the Common DB. Select individual samples using the radio buttons next to the sample name or type the text in the FILTER BY NAME text box and filter the list of the populated list of the populated list of measurement records whose names matching to the text typed as shown below.
Recall Measurements
To SET FILTER, press this option on the bottom of the dialog box. Then select the type of measurements (i.e. Standard or Sample) or specify the dates. Then press OK to continue.
Set Filter
After selecting the records from the populated list, press RECALL to bring the selected measurements into the current Job.
2.4.2 CONNECTED CLIENTS is used to display the list of the current connected active clients using the convergence service.
Connected Clients Info
- Setup Convergence in EasyMatch QC. EasyMatch QC Rev 4.96 and above is required.
3.1 Activate EasyMatch QC with the Convergence-enabled softkey. Convergence is an additional function for EasyMatch QC software, which requires the EasyMatch QC softkey with Convergence CMR. Go to EasyMatch QC > HELP > ABOUT, click “LICENSE INFO” button to check whether “Convergence” CMR is enabled or not. If Convergence is not enabled in your EasyMatch QC, please contact .
3.2 Go to EasyMatch QC > SENSORS to add the Essentials-based instrument. Close EasyMatch QC after adding the sensor.
3.3 Open EasyMatch QC and go to FILE > RECALL from Database, the “RECALL from COMMON DB” option will be enabled now. Click RECALL FROM COMMONDB and enter the SQL Common database address and credentials. Click “CONNECT” to setup Common DB connection.
3.4 After the Common database is setup successfully, instrument measurements from EasyMatch QC will be saved to the CommonDB automatically.
(Note: the EasyMatch QC database still save measurement data as normal. CommonDB is an additional database used to save data from Essentials-based instruments.)
Users can recall measurements from the Common database by the above “RECALL FROM COMMON DATABASE” dialog.
- After Convergence is setup in Essentials and EasyMatch QC, if Essentials is open and EasyMatch QC is open with the instrument connected, measurement data will be shown in both apps simultaneously .
Convergence Showing Data in Essentials and EasyMatch QC
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