Vista - Certificate of Traceability and NIST

Question : Is VISTA calibration NIST traceable?

Answer: Depending on the exact phrasing of the question the answer changes. Calibration of a VISTA is twofold. There is a Photometric Calibration where the instrument is flashed with no specimen or a blank specimen in the light path and the resultant measurement is scaled to represent 100% T at all reported wavelengths. NIST traceability does not apply since technically there is nothing in light path. The VISTA is subjected to a Wavelength Calibration at the factory using the emission lines from a Hg and a HeNe laser. Since these gases are constants of nature NIST considers their emissions to be unchanging. So NIST has no involvement with the photometric calibration of the sensor. The NIST Atomic Spectra Database Lines website contains a list of the known emission lines of these gases.

HunterLab uses colored glass filters to perform system validation. These filters represent the population average for a group of VISTA instruments in a known good Wavelength Calibration status. This population average has no direct comparison to NIST measurements. If a customer VISTA cannot measure the colored glass filters to within the HunterLab specified tolerances, then the instrument will need to have its Wavelength Calibration reassigned.


Each Vista is shipped with a Certificate of Compliance stating that it meets the CIE requirements for Hemispherical Transmission measurements.

Custom Indices on Vista

To setup custom indices on a Vista, see below.  In this example we will setup a 24 mm vial for Saybolt.

Go to Essentials WORKSPACE menu > COLOR SCALES > INDICES,  and click CUSTOM INDICES.

In CUSTOM INDICES dialog, select SAYBOLT and enter the cell pathlength, click ADD to create this index. Then click APPLY.

In COLOR SCALES/INDICES dialog, scroll down the indices list,  and check this new custom index and click APPLY

The new custom index will be shown in Color Data Table view.

What Haze Meter Design allows me to measure ASTM D1003 Haze?

ASTM D1003 Haze requires a Procedure B Haze Meter design where the light source mounted on the sphere and the detection opposite the sample sphere opening. Procedure B instruments like the Vista are transmittance capable spectrophotometers that meet a few extra design criteria, such as number and size of openings in the sphere and size of detection beam relative to size of entrance and exit ports of the sphere. The VISTA fully complies with all of these dimensions.

Each VISTA is shipped with a certificate showing compliance to ASTM D1003 Haze performance by reading 5 Haze Standards (1%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 30% Haze). To obtain a copy of this certificate, contact HunterLab with your VISTA serial number.

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What is the difference between ASTM D1003 Procedure A and B Haze Meter?

A Procedure A instrument can only report %Haze or %Total Transmittance and CANNOT report color such as XYZ or CIELAB. The instrument has a single detector (photopic Y - C/2 or A/2) mounted on the sphere. The light source is opposite the sample sphere opening. This design is the opposite of a HunterLab transmittance capable spectrophotometer which has the light source mounted on the sphere and a full range detector and grating opposite the sample sphere opening.

A Procedure B instrument is a transmittance capable spectrophotometer, such as the HunterLab VISTA that also must meet a few extra design criteria, such as number and size of openings in the sphere and size of detection beam relative to size of entrance and exit ports of the sphere. The VISTA is fully compliant with ASTM Procedure B.

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What should I do if the VISTA won’t boot up?

If the Vista doesn’t boot, the SD memory card is not being read. This can happen because the card is not fully inserted or it has become corrupted. To fix this, unplug the instrument and remove the right-side cover. Locate the SD card on the SBC, eject then re-insert. Replace the cover and then connect the power supply. Power up and see if this solves the issue of booting.

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What happens if my chemical spills in the Vista compartment?

If you spill a chemical in the Vista, please proceed to clean up the spill with chemical safety in mind. The Vista transmittance compartment is completely sealed to prevent any liquids, vapors or other contaminants from affecting the optics. In the design of the instrument, the compartment is sloped forward so that liquids do not collect in the compartment and are easily wiped out. Additionally, the compartment is anodized for durability to stand up to some of the harsh chemicals that will be measured.



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Vista instrument and standard accessories

Below is a picture of the Vista instrument and the standard accessories that ship with the instrument.


Vista Poster -Shipping Department-FINAL.jpg

Vista user's Manual


Vista Supplemental Manual:

Vista Quick Start Guide

The Vista Quick Start Guide is located here.

Vista Brochure

Vista Brochure

Vista Brochure (Spanish)

Vista Specifications

Vista Specifications

Vista Specifications (Spanish)

Vista CE Declaration
Vista - Software download - How to Update Vista Essentials software

For Vista Essentials Non-ER customer: Attached, please check the latest Vista Essentials non-ER(.apk file), Version 1.13.0007. The major changes from last version 1.12 to 1.13 are listed in the attachment. 

To check for version number on your instrument, go to JOBS MENU > ABOUT.


Figure. Jobs > About


The version number is listed at the bottom of the ABOUT page.


Figure. About > Software Version

Please download the .apk file onto a flash drive. To update Essentials, attach the flash drive with the new update to the front USB port of the Vista.


Figure.  Insert Flash Drive into USB Port

Go to JOBS > ABOUT and click UPDATE to the latest version. The Instrument will detect the corresponding Essentials apk file on the flash drive. If the latest Essentials is already installed in the instrument, the following message will be displayed: The application package is up to date.

* About the file service to backup/restore between Vista and the networked PC, please check this article,

* For Vista Essentials 1.03.0045 and above, we provide two different Vista Essentials packages, Vista Essentials non-ER and Vista Essentials ER. Vista Essentials ER has additional features to be compliance with FDA 21 CFR Part 11. If you'd like to update Vista Essentials from non-ER to a ER, or if you currently has a Vista Essentials ER in your Vista and would like to check the latest ER, please contact

If the current Essentials version in Vista is before 1.01.0019, please follow the steps below to update Essentials. Please check this video on how to get to Vista home screen from Essentials.

  1. Go to JOBS>ABOUT and tap the screen 6 times inside the box.


Figure. Tap 6 times

       2. Once the Home Screen is displayed, go to ESSENTIALS UPDATE. Follow the process to update                   the software.


Figure. Essentials Update

To return to Vista Essentials for measurement, select ESSENTIALS.


Figure. Select Essentials

     4. Return to JOBS > ABOUT to verify the software version.

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Vista Technical - How to find the Vista home screen (Video)

This video is a brief description on how to access Vista's home screen from Essentials.

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How to Use the Index Bias Correction on the Vista

This "how to" describes the process to implement a bias/slope correction for an index.  Examples and 3 methods for correcting the equations are presented.

HunterLab has introduced, in its Vista product via EasyMatch Essentials software, a measurement correction algorithm that allows the user to adjust the instrument’s base performance via a Bias and Gain correction. This precisely matches reported results to assigned values for physical standards. 

The Y (adjusted Index value)=m(gain)*uncorrected Index Value + offset (bias) equation allows the end user to correct reported values using standard sets numbering just one value to many.

Download the full instructions in the attached document.

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Predictive Diagnostics in Vista Essentials

HunterLab Predictive Diagnostic is a software application that is designed to monitor the software and hardware components of HunterLab’s Essential-based instruments in order to ensure a better color measurement experience for HunterLab customers. The Predictive Diagnostic mainly used to capture different low-level and user-initiated data during normal operations of the Essentials based instruments.

Following are predictive diagnostics features implemented in Vista Essentials Rev1.09 and above. 

1. Predictive Diagnostics settings in WORKSPACE MENU > DIAGNOSTICS > PREDICTIVE:   


1.1 Setup reminder interval (days) for repeatability test, didymium filter test, ND filter test(optional) and Haze standard test(Optional). Disable/enable alerts from predictive diagnostics. As default, "Disable Warning/Error Alert" is checked.

1.2 View trend plots of repeatability diagnostics tests, didymium filter diagnostics tests, ND filter diagnostics tests, Haze standard diagnostics tests and monitor channel TOS (Collected from each standardization). In each trend plot, first select the time range, then click “Show” button to display the data. In the plot, click each data point to get the details showing in the right side. 


1.3 Export the predictive diagnostics data in csv files to thumb drive. It is recommended to share the predictive diagnostics files when users contact for instrument issues. There are three types of predictive diagnostics files:

Diagnostics Data records all the diagnostics tests (Repeatability and Didymium Filter)

Standardization vector log records raw data from sample channel and monitor channel during each standardization. 

Initial Data is the record of original raw data from sample channel and monitor channel. This data should not be modified by users. 



2. Collect raw data from each standardization, analysis, and provide Warning messages.

  2.1 Record standardization vector data. 

  2.2 Record the sample channel signal data of light trap. Show an warning alert if max Light Trap is above 4000.

  2.3 Record  the sample channel signal data of BOS. Show an warning alert if max BOS is above 700. 

  2.4 Record the Monitor channel Signal data of TOS. Show an warning alert if max monitor is below 16000.

  2.5 Record the Sample channel Signal data of TOS. Show an warning alert if max monitor data is below 16000.


3. Except the above predictive diagnostics alerts, here is an additional one: Show an warning alert if next service date of this instrument is in 1 month.

4. Once the "Disable Error/Warning Alerts" is unchecked and applied in WORKSPACE MENU > DIAGNOSTICS > PREDICTIVE, the info button in the tool bar will list all the existing warning and error messages and it will be labeled with different color dot. 

-If there is error(s), the info button will be shown with a red dot.


-If the instrument has warning(s) but no error, the info button will be shown with a yellow dot.

-If there is no error or warning, then no color dot  is labeled on info button. 



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How to setup external triggering for Vista standardization and measurement through Essentials and EZMQC

Vista Essentials Rev 1.06.0088 and EasyMatch QC Rev4.96.06 has the external trigger feature available for user to remote control Vista to run standardization and measurements. 

Vista Essentials or EasyMatch QC should connect to the same network of the External Triggering tool.

Vista Essentials/External Trigger:

*Go to WORKSPACE menu > READ OPTIONS and check EXTERNAL TRIGGERING. When it is checked on, a new dialog box will be opened to configure the port number. The IP address showed in Vista Essentials is Vista’s own IP address.  Press APPLY to the enable status and port number. This will be saved and the application will be in listening mode as a server.



*We used this External Triggering tool as an example here.  When the Vista instrument IP and configured port number are specified in the tool and  CONNECT is selected, the client tool will be connected to the External Trigger server in Vista Essentials.

After successful connection, ‘STANDARDIZE’ and ‘READ SAMPLE’ commands can be operated using this tool.

For other tools, the user needs to configure and connect with Vista IP and port number. Then send the STANDARDIZATION and READ SAMPLE commands to Vista. After each command, Vista will send the response back to the tool.  If the Vista passes standardization or successfully takes a measurement, it will respond with SUCCEED message.

                mceclip2.pngmceclip3.png          mceclip4.png                  


EZMQC/External Trigger:

*Add Vista sensor into EasyMatch QC.

*Click EasyMatch QC > OPTIONS > EXTERNAL TRIGGERING CONFIGURATION and setup the port number

*Setup a External triggering tool with the EasyMatch QC PC IP and port number. Here we used our External triggering tool.

Compared to Vista Essentials external triggering, EasyMatch QC can complete standard measurements and enter product ID/Extra ID name.

Each standardization, measure sample/standard will get the response: STANDARDIZATION SUCCESSFUL. “STANDARD MEASUREMENT SUCCESSFUL” and “SAMPLE MEASUREMENT SUCCESSFUL”.

Following are External Triggering commands and response structures:

The below is the typical command frame  sent from External Triggering tool.



<CMD> is the Command String

<COMMAND INFO> The associated Command Parameters

$ and # are the Begin and End Markers of the Command frame.


Command Response Structure

For every command received from the Triggering Tool, the Essentials-Vista response will be in the below format:

“$ Essentials - <ACKINFO> #”


<ACKINFO> can be “Connected to Server”, “Succeeded”, “Failed”, “Standardization Expired! Please Standardize to continue”, the name of the connected sensor, etc..


‘Get Current Sensor’ Command Structure:

When “Standardize” button in External Triggering tool is clicked, the below command is sent to Essentials.


If thE connected sensor type is received as “Vista”, then only the standardization command is sent to Essentials.


‘Standardize’ command structure:

The following is the Command Structure for standardization:

$, <CMD>, <MODE TYPE>, <mode type>, <HAZESTATUS>,<haze status>, #



<Mode Type>: ‘RTRAN – Regular Transmission’ (or) ‘TTRAN – Total transmission’.

For EasyMatch QC: This field is not applicable. The Standardization is performed as per the current selected mode in Modes configuration dialog.

<Haze Status>: 0 for ‘without Haze’ and 1 for ‘with Haze’



ex1: $,STANDARDIZE,HAZESTATUS,0,# --->For EZMQC application

ex2: $,STANDARDIZE,MODETYPE,RTRAN – Regular Transmission,HAZESTATUS,0,# --->For Essentials-Vista


‘Measure’ command structure:

The following is the typical Command Structure for Measurement

$, <CMD>, <MEASUREMENT TYPE>, <STD>, <std name>, <SMP>, <sample name>, <PID>, <Product ID>, <EID>, <Extra ID>, #



<MEASUREMENT TYPE>: 1 for ‘Read Standard’ and 2 for ‘Read Sample’

The <Product ID> & <Extra ID>  represent to associated with the respective measured Standard or Sample.



  1. a) Read Standard (Only for EasyMatch QC):


ex2: $,MEASURE,1,STD,Standard1,# -- with no optional PID &EID.

  1. b) Read Sample (For EZMQC):


ex2: $,MEASURE,2,STD,Standard1,SMP,sample1,# -- with no optional PID & EID

  1. c) Read Sample (For EZMQC and Essentials):

ex1: $,MEASURE,2,SMP,sample1,# -- with no Standard and optional PID & EID


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How to use HunterLab File Service Package to Backup/restore data from Vista/Aeros/Agera to a PC through a network

In previous Essentials, Backup/Restore can only be done through a thumb drive attached in front USB port of Vista/Aeros/Agera. The Thumb drive is restricted in some customer sites and users prefer to save data into their network drive directly. To this end, we have implemented a file service which provides the network storage facility for Essentials-VISTA/Aeros/Agera to backup/restore the File/Folder. 

To get this feature, the user needs to install the file service:

    • Vista Essentials version Rev 1.07.0094 and above, 
    • Agera Essentials version 1.02.0075 and above, 
    • Aeros Essentials Version above 1.04.0082 and above. 

1.  Steps to configure HunterLab File Service

      Step 1: Install the attached installation package files into a networked PC.

      Step 2: Run the executable FILESERVICEINSTALLER.EXE and follow the guided steps to complete the                    installation process.

      Step 3: After installation a shortcut for HUNTERLAB FILE SERVICE CONFIG TOOL will be created on                     the Desktop.

      Step 4: Double click on the shortcut HUNTERLAB FILE SERVICE CONFIG TOOL, and then a                                   Configuration dialog will be displayed as shown below.


    Step 5: In the above Configuration dialog, select the ROOT FOLDER by clicking on BROWSE button.                     The Essentials Backup will be stored in the configured Root Folder path.

    Step 6: Enter the Port Number for the network File service. (Port number "8888" here is the one that we configured in our PC.)

Note: Please do not use any existing system service port numbers. Make sure that the configured port number must be added to Exceptions in the firewall. The configured port number in the server must be same at the client side (Essentials).

    Step 7: Click on the APPLY button. The File service will be restarted with the new settings.

2.  Setting Up the Client Side (Essentials VISTA/AEROS/AGERA side)

In  Essentials, to go JOBS > DATA MANAGEMENT > BACKUP/RESTORE and then SELECT ACTION dialog will be displayed. The Select Action dialog normally contains the options to BACKUP and RESTORE. The user can choose between USB DRIVE or NETWORK STORAGE. When USB Drive option is selected, the Backup and Restore operations will be performed into the USB flash drive plugged into the system. When Network Storage option is selected, the Backup and Restore operations are performed into a network folder of the specified system where the HunterLab File Service is installed.

4.png                    2.png                                

Step 1: Click on NETWORK STORAGE SETTINGS Button. In the next screen enter the IP ADDRESS and PORT NUMBER of HUNTERLAB FILE SERVICE. The "Auto Backup Interval" can be setup to backup the Hunterlab folder to the network path automatically. In the below case, the hunterlab folder will be saved into the network place every one day. The hunterlab folder in the network place will be saved with the timestamp and won't be overwritten. 


      Step 2: Click on TEST CONNECTION to verify the connectivity to the HunterLab File Service.

      Step 3: Click APPLY to save the settings. The saved network settings will be used for the Network                          Backup and Restore operations.

     Step 4: After successful configuration of network settings, Click BACKUP/RESTORE to perform the                         complete BACKUP/RESTORE of the HunterLab folder between Essentials and the                               specified network server’s folder.


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How do I use Custom Indices in Vista Essentials?

For Vista Essentials 1.04.0056 and above:

Through Custom Indices, users can create modified-pathlength indices and add transmittance data into indices list.

Indices available for pathlength modification are APHA, ASBC, ASTM D1500, Chinese Acid Wash Color, EBC, EP, FAC, Gardner, Iodine, JP, Saybolt, USP. After these custom indices are created, they are shown in the Bias Configuration list so that user modify the bias and gains.

Any transmittance/absorbance data from 400nm to 700nm can be added into indices list. 

Note:  Absorbance is available in Vista Essentials Rev 1.06.0079 and above.


  • The configured pathlength can be any number between 0-100 with maximum one decimal.
  • Due to the implementation of custom indices feature, most indices names have been changed compared to the names in Vista Essentials 1.03.0045. If any old index name is found in different format to the new, index will not be calculated. In such case, please go to COLOR SCALES > INDICES and APPLY to update the list of indices.
  • The custom indices can only be the ones that not listed in the default indices list. If the user tries to create APHA 10mm in custom indices dialog, it will not work. This index already exists in the default indices list.
  • Scale factors of LOVIBOND®/AOCS/ICUMSA 420/ICUMSA 560 can be adjusted in custom indices dialog. LOVIBOND®/AOCS cell pathlength, instead of only 5 pathlength options in dropdown list, can be entered with any number between 0-100 with maximum one decimal.


For ICUMSA 420 and ICUMSA 560, the density (g/ml) and weight%(g/g) need to be configured for accurate ICUMSA calculation. Density (g/ml) should be from 0.5-2. Weight% (g/g) should be from 1-100.



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LOVIBOND is a registered trademark of The Tintometer Ltd, UK.   

How do I use Diagnostics in Vista Essentials?

Go to WORKSPACE > DIAGNOSTICS. All tests and features in Diagnostics become available in Essentials Rev 1.01.0025 and above. To download the latest Vista Essentials software, go to Vista support website

Vista Essentials (Rev 1.01.0025 and above) has added PERFORMANCE DIAGNOSTICS tests (Repeatability test, ND filter test, Didymium filter test, Haze filter test, and Run Auto-Diag.) and ADVANCED DIAGNOSTICS tests (Shutter door in/out, Haze door open/close, Read Signal/Dark/Zero/Loop, Standardization, Measure, Printer driver, and restart COMM).

Note: Following tests are primarily for use by the service department at HunterLab and not recommended for customer use: Run Auto-Diag, Shutter door in/out, Haze door open/close, and Read Signal/Dark/Zero/Loop.





  1. Performance > Repeatability Test: The Repeatability test assesses how consistently the instrument can measure color. Thirty readings are taken and each of the must be in tolerance to get a Pass assessment in the end.
  2. Performance > Neutral Density Filter Test: This test requires that you enter the target values for the ND filter. The test takes 10 readings and averages them for comparison with the target. 
  3. Performance > Didymium Filter Test: The Didymium Filter test allows you to assess readings of the Didymium filter provided with the instrument. This checks for wavelength accuracy of the instrument and should be done on a regular basis (i.e., weekly or bi-weekly) as part of your routine instrument performance check. The test takes 10 readings and averages them for comparison with the target.
  4. Performance > Haze Standard Test: The Haze test reads the haze standard and provides a pass or fail evaluation based on an average of 5 readings as compared to the standard. 
  5. Performance/Run Auto-Diag: Auto Diagnostics runs all tests and detailed results for instrument information. Voltage, Shutter Door, Haze Door, Energy test, Dark/Zero, repeatability(optional), ND filter(optional), Didymium Filter(optional) and Haze Standard(optional) can be exported to a CSV file. Also, the results are saved automatically and can be print through Essentials. 
  6. Advanced Tests: These tests are primarily for the HunterLab’s Service Department. The following features may be of use to the user: upload of printer drivers (PRINTER DRIVERS) and restarting the communications with a computer (RESTART COMM). 

Another APP named Vista diagnostics can be found in the Vista home screen. This can also be used to check Vista functions. An instructional video explaining how to use the Vista diagnostics can be found at

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How do I setup Convergence in Vista/Agera Essentials and EZMQC


Convergence is an optional feature in EasyMatch QC and Essentials. It allows users to save each measurement data from Essentials-based instruments into a SQL database automatically, which could help users to organize data. Data in a SQL database is more secure in comparison to data saved locally in an instrument. Users can get the color data of all measurements through SQL database directly (No need to setup auto export). Users can take measurements through Essentials, recall these measurements in EasyMatch QC from a SQL database and then analyze data in EasyMatch QC.  Measurements will be shown in both Essentials and EasyMatch QC simultaneously if both software packages are active. 

Convergence is available for Vista Essentials Rev 1.10 and above, Agera Essentials Rev 1.07 and above, and EasyMatch QC 4.98 and above. Please note that Convergence works only in English for Vista/Agera Essentials. 

Here are steps to setup Convergence in Essentials and EasyMatch QC.

  1. Setup CommonDB in SQL

Essentials-VISTA and EasyMatch QC applications store the measurements in a Common Database maintained in a networked SQL Server.  The Common Database needs to be created in a SQL Server using the attached SQL script file, "CommonDB_Script.sql".  

  1. Setup Convergence in Essentials

2.1. Convergence is an additional function for Essentials software, which need to be enabled by a CMR code. After Convergence is enabled, it will be shown in the Workspace menu. If Convergence is not enabled in your instrument, please contact and we can help to enable it through our Remote Support Access.

2.2. Select WORKSPACE > CONVERGENCE to display the below options as shown in the below list of options.


 Convergence and Sub-menu

2.3. Click “COMMON DB SETTINGS”. In Common DB Settings dialog, select NETWORK DATABASE (Local DB is not available), enter the SQL server address and credentials. Click TEST CONNECTION to verify the Database connection then click APPLY to save the configuration settings.


Configure SQL Database

Note: Please use Server Port number as 1433 (for below SQL Server 2012). For SQL Server 2012 and above, please follow the below steps to find the port number to be used.

  • Click on PROTOCOLS FOR SQLEXPRESS item and open the TCP/IP Properties dialog.
  • Now, use the port number mentioned in TCP DYNAMIC PORTS under IPAll.


SQL Configuration Manager

2.4 Convergence is setup in Essentials. All the measurements from Essentials will be saved to the CommonDB automatically

(Note: the local database in HunterLab folder will still save measurements as normal. CommonDB is an additional database to save data. ) 

2.4.1 Users can use CONVERGENCE > RECALL to recall measurements from Common database. Click RECALL to select the Samples/Standards from the Common DB. Select individual samples using the radio buttons next to the sample name or type the text in the FILTER BY NAME text box and filter the list of the populated list of the populated list of measurement records whose names matching to the text typed as shown below.


Recall Measurements

To SET FILTER, press this option on the bottom of the dialog box. Then select the type of measurements (i.e. Standard or Sample) or specify the dates.  Then press OK to continue.


Set Filter

After selecting the records from the populated list, press RECALL to bring the selected measurements into the current Job.

2.4.2 CONNECTED CLIENTS is used to display the list of the current connected active clients using the convergence service.


Connected Clients Info

  1. Setup Convergence in EasyMatch QC.   EasyMatch QC Rev 4.96 and above is required.

3.1 Activate EasyMatch QC with the Convergence-enabled softkey. Convergence is an additional function for EasyMatch QC software, which requires the EasyMatch QC softkey with Convergence CMR. Go to EasyMatch QC > HELP > ABOUT, click “LICENSE INFO” button to check whether “Convergence” CMR is enabled or not. If Convergence is not enabled in your EasyMatch QC, please contact .

3.2 Go to EasyMatch QC > SENSORS to add the Essentials-based instrument. Close EasyMatch QC after adding the sensor.

3.3 Open EasyMatch QC and go to FILE > RECALL from Database, the “RECALL from COMMON DB” option will be enabled now. Click RECALL FROM COMMONDB and enter the SQL Common database address and credentials. Click “CONNECT” to setup Common DB connection.



3.4 After the Common database is setup successfully,  instrument measurements from EasyMatch QC will be saved to the CommonDB automatically.

(Note: the EasyMatch QC database still save measurement data as normal. CommonDB is an additional database used to save data from Essentials-based instruments.)

Users can recall measurements from the Common database by the above “RECALL FROM COMMON DATABASE” dialog.

  1. After Convergence is setup in Essentials and EasyMatch QC, if Essentials is open and EasyMatch QC is open with the instrument connected, measurement data will be shown in both apps simultaneously .


 Convergence Showing Data in Essentials and EasyMatch QC

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Auto-Export data from Vista to an external data collection system

Method #1: For Direct Connection between Vista and Computer with Ethernet Cable (No Network required)

Method #2: For Direct Connection between Vista and Computer with RS-232 Ethernet Adapter (No Network                          required)

Method #3: Through Network (Ethernet cable)

Method #1: For Direct Connection between Vista and Computer with Ethernet Cable (No network required)

1) Materials Needed

  •  Hardware needed: Ethernet cable, and USB Ethernet adapter if you want to have multiple Ethernet cables connecting to the computer.  



Figure 1- Ethernet Cable


Figure 2- USB Ethernet Adapter

2) Connect Vista to Computer:

  • Plug Ethernet cable (Figure 1) into RJ-45 Ethernet connection at rear of Vista. Plug other end of cable into the computer directly or through USB Ethernet Adapter (Figure 2). 


3) Configure IP address of the Vista (Note: Requires Essentials Rev 14 or higher)

  • Check IP address in PC: Open Command Prompt in the PC. Type in "ipconfig" and check the "autoconfiguration IPv4 Address" as well as the "Subnet Mask". 


Figure 4- Computer IP address

  •  Configure IP address in Vista: Open Vista Essentials, go to PREFERENCES > CONFIGURE NETWORK SETTNGS. Uncheck "Use DHCP for Ethernet Config". Type in IP address and Subnet Mask manually, then APPLY. The IP address here should be exact same as the "autoconfiguration IPv4 Address" in the PC, except changing the last two digits. Restart Vista to get network setting applied.


Figure 5- Assign IP address to Vista

    • Press APPLY on the Ethernet Configuration
    • Check “Automatic Network Data Export” and click to configure. For a direct connection between Vista and computer with Ethernet cable, set up the Vista as server. Port Number is 10001.        

 4) Configure the Computer Using HyperTerminal Software

  • Go to the computer and open HyperTerminal.
  • Make a new connection:
    1. Enter a name for the connection
    2. Connect using TCP/IP(Winsock)
    3. Set computer as client                                                                                                                        Enter the IP address of Vista which is recorded above                                                                     Put the port number as “10001". 

5) Send Data from the Vista:

  • Configure the Vista for the Color Data Screen:
    1. Select Color Scales, Indices & Illuminant/Obs (WORKSPACE > COLOR SCALES)
    2. Standardize the instrument. (Workspace>Standardize)
  • Read sample and view the data on the computer.


Figure 7- Data from Vista through Ethernet Connection


The data string is shown as follows:




<STX> is the Start of Text (value =0x02)

<ETX> is the End of Text (value =0x03)

$T is the default delimiter.

<SCALE-LABEL> is the Scale Label (e.g. CIELAB)

<ill/Obs> is the ill/Obs name (e.g. D65/10)

<PACKET SIZE> is the Total size (HEX String) of the Packet excluding the <STX> and <ETX>

<LABEL NAME> is the label name (e.g. L*, a*, b*, dE* etc..)

<VALUE> is the value for the preceding Label Name

<CHKSUM> is the Checksum (HEX String) - the sum of all the ASCII values in the total packet play load starting from <PACKET-SIZE> and till <CHKSUM>

Method #2 - For Direct Connection between Vista and Computer with RS-232 Ethernet Adapter

1) Materials Needed

  •  Hardware needed: Ethernet cable, Crossover adapter, Ethernet to RS-232 Connector, RS-232 to USB (optional)

Figure 8- Ethernet Cable


Figure 9- Crossover Adapter


Figure 10- Ethernet to RS-232 converter for Connection via Serial port

Figure 11- RS-232 to USB converter for connection via USB port


2) Configure Ethernet to RS-232

  • Set up Ethernet to the RS-232 adaptor with static IP address and Port Number.
  • In this example, the adapter was configured with IP address of and port 10001.

3) Connect Vista to Computer:

  • Plug Ethernet cable (Figure 8) into RJ-45 Ethernet connection at rear of Vista. Plug other end of cable into Crossover Adapter (Figure 9).
  • Plug Crossover Adapter into Ethernet port of Ethernet to RS-232 adapter (Figure 10).
  • Plug Ethernet to RS-232 adapter into serial port of computer (if D-9 serial port is present) or into RS-232 to USB converter for connection to USB port. Plug power into Ethernet to RS-232 adapter.


Figure 13- Cable Configuration for Direct Computer Connection


4 ) Configure the Vista: (Requires Essentials Rev 14 or higher)

  • Configure the Ethernet port of Vista. Select JOBS Menu> PREFERENCES and Select ‘CONFIGURE NETWORK SETTINGS’.  Uncheck “Use DHCP for Ethernet Config” and enter a valid IP address for the Ethernet port. In this example, the following parameters are selected.


Figure 14- Configuration Parameters for Ethernet


  • Press APPLY on the Ethernet Configuration and then APPLY on the Preferences Page to complete.
  • Go to JOBS Menu> PREFERENCES, check “Automatic Network Data Export” and click to configure.


Figure 15- Preferences>Automatic Network Data Export


  • For a direct connection between Vista and data collection computer, set up the Vista as a Client.
  • Set the IP Address to match the settings of the Ethernet to RS-232 converter, in this case and the Port as 10001.
  • . Press APPLY and then press APPLY on the PREFERENCES screen to continue.


5) Configure the Computer:

  • Connection configurations differ depending on data collection software. In this example, Hyperterminal is used to demonstrate connectivity. 
  • The data collection computer will be set up as a Server.
  • Connect as follows:
    1. Select the Com port that represents the USB or Serial port connection.
    2. Define the Connection:
    3. Bits per second: 9600
    4. Data Bits: 8
    5. Parity: None
    6. Stop Bits: 1
    7. Flow Control: None


6) Send Data from the Vista:

  • Configure the Color Data Table with the color scale and parameters to be transmitted.
    1. Standardize the Instrument
    2. Select Color Scales, Indices & Illuminant/Obs (WORKSPACE > COLOR SCALES)
    3. Press the READ Button and data will be transferred to the computer.

Figure 16- Data Output

 The data string is shown as follows:




<STX> is the Start of Text (value =0x02)

<ETX> is the End of Text (value =0x03)

$T is the default delimiter.

<SCALE-LABEL> is the Scale Label (e.g. CIELAB)

<ill/Obs> is the ill/Obs name (e.g. D65/10)

<PACKET SIZE> is the Total size (HEX String) of the Packet excluding the <STX> and <ETX>

<LABEL NAME> is the label name (e.g. L*, a*, b*, dE* etc..)

<VALUE> is the value for the preceding Label Name

<CHKSUM> is the Checksum (HEX String) - the sum of all the ASCII values in the total packet play load starting from <PACKET-SIZE> and till <CHKSUM>


Method #3 – To export data through network 

Connect Vista to a Network. You can connect Vista to a network hub using the Ethernet cable. The computer must be connected to the same network as the Vista.

  1. To connect Vista to network, go to WORKSPACES > PREFERENCES and select ‘Config Network Settings’. Select ETHERNET CONFIGURATION and check “Use DHCP for Ethernet Config”. Please write down the IP address showing in the Ethernet Setting dialog. You can also check the IP address of Vista in Jobs/About/Info.
  2. Go back to WORKSPACE > PREFERENCES and select AUTO NETWORK DATA EXPORT Measurement using a check and select “Config” button. Choose Vista as Server and Port number as 10001.
  3. . You can also choose a delimiter to mark your data.
  4. Configure the terminal program such as Hyperterminal in the computer with the following settings:
    • Set computer as client
    • Enter the IP address of Vista which is recorded above
    • Put the port number as “10001”.

After all the setting, you should be ready to get the data exported from Vista to the computer.

You can use the attached sockserverorclient tool to test this auto-export data feature. 

Attached, please check the instruction on Auto Export Client using ‘PuTTY’ or ‘Tera Term’.


Do you still need more information? Submit a ticket and our support team member will reach out to you soon!

How do I Connect Vista to EasyMatch QC?

EasyMatch QC Version 4.88 and above have ability to connect with current Vista Sensors. For Vista with serial number less than VTS00135 probably need to have some hardware added and the software updated (Vista Essentials 1.00.14 and above). 

Here are two common methods that we can use to connect Vista with EZMQC. Please select the right method and follow the corresponding instruction to connect.  


Method 1: Connect Vista with EasyMatch QC to the same network hub using Ethernet cables.


Method 2: Direct Connection between Vista and a Computer using an Ethernet cable



Method 1: Connect Vista with EasyMatch QC to the same network hub using Ethernet cables.

 1. . Plug Ethernet cable into the back of tHe Vista and the other end to a network hub. Plug the PC to this network hub as well.

If network hub is not preferred, customer can also use a stand-alone router with DHCP server feature to connect Agera and PC for this method.

2. Connect Vista to network, go to JOBS > PREFERENCES > CONFIG NETWORK SETTINGS. Select CONFIGURE ETHERNET SETTINGS. Check USE DHCP FOR ETHERNET CONFIG and click APPLY. If you used the other network setting before, please restart Vista to apply the new network setting.

3. Open EasyMatch QC in the PC. In SENSOR> ADD SENSOR > VISTA. Select ETHERNET and check the box DISCOVER AND SELECT A SENSOR IN THE NETWORK  and then click SEARCH to automatically search. There will be a drop-down list of all available Vista sensors. If the sensor in the list including IP address as well as sensor name, then it is connectable. If the sensor in the list with “??????” instead of sensor name, it means that EasyMatch QC cannot find the VISTA, as VISTA is not free to connect to EasyMatch QC. If you meet this problem, you can restart VISTA and click search again. Also, you can go to Vista Essentials, WORKSPACE > DIAGNOSTICS > ADVANCED and click RESTART COMM to have Vista communication available, and then go back to EasyMatch QC and click search again. RESTART COMM is available in Vista Essentials Rev 21 and higher. Please download our latest Vista Essentials from our support website. 



 Method 2: Direct Connection between Vista and a Computer using an Ethernet cable

1. Connect Vista and PC with an Ethernet cable. You can apply Ethernet adapter here to connect the Ethernet cable to one USB port of the computer.

2. On the computer, check IP settings: Open Command Prompt in the PC. Type in "ipconfig" and check the "autoconfiguration IPv4 Address" as well as the "Subnet Mask". 


3. Configure the Vista IP settings: Open Vista Essentials, go to JOBS > PREFERENCES > NETWORK SETTINGS > ETHERNET configuration. Uncheck USE DHCP FOR ETHERNET CONFIG. Type in IP address and Subnet Mask manually. The Subnet Mask is the exact same as the one showing in PC. The last factor in the IP address should be changed such that is different from the computer IP address by one digit. Press APPLY on the Ethernet Configuration and then APPLY on the Preferences Page to complete.


4. Turn the instrument off and then back on.

5. Open EasyMatch QC in the PC. From the SENSOR Menu > ADD SENSOR and select VISTA. Select ETHERNET and uncheck the box DISCOVER AND SELECT A SENSOR IN THE NETWORK. Type in the IP address which has been set up in Vista Essentials or check the box  to DISCOVER AND SELECT A SENSOR IN THE NETWORK.  Click SEARCH to find the Vista. 


 Do you still need more information? Submit a ticket and our support team member will reach out to you soon!



How do I connect the Vista and my Computer Directly with An Ethernet Cable?

Method #1:

(No network required). Note that there are two additional methods for connection.

  • Materials Needed: Vista Firmware needed: 01.0014 and above
  • Ethernet cable
  • USB Ethernet adapter if you want to have multiple Ethernet cables connecting to the computer.



  1. Connect Vista to Computer:
    • Plug Ethernet cable into RJ-45 Ethernet connection at rear of Vista. Plug other end of cable into the computer directly or through USB Ethernet Adapter. Restart both the Vista and the Computer.


    • Open COMMAND PROMPT in the PC. Type in IPCONFIG and check the AUTOCONFIG IPV4 ADDRESS as well as the SUBNET MASK.


  • Configure IP address in Vista. From Vista Essentials, go to JOBS > PREFERENCES > CONFIGURE NETWORK SETTINGS. Uncheck USE DHCP for ETHERNET CONFIG. Type in IP ADDRESS and SUBNET MASK manually, then APPLY. The IP address here should be exact same as the AUTOCONFIGURATION IPV4 ADDRESS in the PC, except changing the last two digits.
  • Restart Vista to get network setting applied.


  • Press APPLY on the Ethernet Configuration. Go to PREFERENCES > AUTOMATIC NETWORK DATA EXPORT and CONFIG. For a direct connection between Vista and computer with Ethernet cable, set up the Vista as a client. Port Number is 11111. Enter the PC IP address.

To export Data:

  1. Configure the Computer Using HyperTerminal Software:
  2. Go to the computer and open HYPERTERMINAL.
  3. Make a new connection:
      • Enter a name for the connection
      • Connect using TCP/IP(Winsock)
      • Enter the PC IP address and Port Number 11111
    1. Send Data from the Vista:


The data string is shown as follows:




<STX> is the Start of Text (value =0x02)

<ETX> is the End of Text (value =0x03)

$T is the default delimiter.

<SCALE-LABEL> is the Scale Label (e.g. CIELAB)

<ill/Obs> is the ill/Obs name (e.g. D65/10)

<PACKET SIZE> is the Total size (HEX String) of the Packet excluding the <STX> and <ETX>

<LABEL NAME> is the label name (e.g. L*, a*, b*, dE* etc.)

<VALUE> is the value for the preceding Label Name

<CHKSUM> is the Checksum (HEX String) - the sum of all the ASCII values in the total packet play load starting from <PACKET-SIZE> and till <CHKSUM>


To Connect to EasyMatch QC and CalVer:

  • Open EasyMatch QC and go to SENSOR > ADD SENSOR and select VISTA. Select ETHERNET and check the box to Discover and Select a Sensor in the Network and then click SEARCH to do an automatically searching.
  • There will be a drop-down list of all available Vista sensors. If the sensor in the list including IP address as well as sensor name, then it is connectable. If the sensor in the list with “??????” instead of sensor name, it means that EasyMatch QC can find the VISTA, while VISTA is not free to connect to EasyMatch QC. If you meet this problem, you can restart VISTA and click SEARCH. Also, you can go to Vista Essentials, WORKSPACE > DIAGNOSTICS > ADVANCED, click RESTART COMM to have Vista communications available, and then go back to EasyMatch QC and click search again. RESTART COMM is available in Vista Essentials Rev 21 and higher. Please download our latest Vista Essentials in our support website.


  • Click NEXTto standardize.

Do you still need more information? Submit a ticket and our support team member will reach out to you soon!

How do I connect my Vista and Computer using an RS-232 Ethernet Adapter?

Method #2

Materials Needed:  Vista Firmware needed: 01.0014 and above

Ethernet cable

Crossover adapter

Ethernet to RS-232 Connector

RS-232 to USB (optional)


  • Configure Ethernet to RS-232. Set up Ethernet to theRS-232 adaptor with static IP address and Port Number. In this example, the adapter was configured with IP address of and port 10001.

Connect Vista to Computer

  • Plug Ethernet cable into RJ-45 Ethernet connection at rear of Vista. Plug other end of cable into Crossover Adapter.


  • Plug Crossover Adapter into Ethernet port of Ethernet to RS-232 adapter.
  • Plug Ethernet to RS-232 adapter into serial port of computer (if D-9 serial port is present) or into RS-232 to USB converter for connection to USB port. Plug power into Ethernet to RS-232 adapter.


Configure the Vista: (Requires Essentials Rev 14 or higher)

  • Configure the ethernet port of Vista. Select Jobs > Preferences and Select Configure Network Settings. Uncheck Use DHCP for Ethernet Config and enter a valid IP address for the Ethernet port. In this example, the following parameters are selected.


  • Press Apply on the Ethernet Configuration and then Apply on the Preferences Page to complete.
  • Go to Jobs > Preferences, check Automatic Network Data Export and click to configure. For a direct connection between Vista and data collection computer, set up the Vista as a Client. Set the IP Address to match the settings of the Ethernet to RS-232 converter, in this case and the Port as 11111. Press Apply and then press Apply on the Read Options screen to continue.

Configure the Computer:

  1. Connection configurations differ depending on data collection software. In this example, Hyperterminal is used to demonstrate connectivity. 
  2. The data collection computer will be set up as a Server.
  3. Connect as follows:
    1. Select the Com port that represents the USB or Serial port connection.
    2. Define the Connection:
    3. Bits per second: 9600
    4. Data Bits: 8
    5. Parity: None
    6. Stop Bits: 1
    7. Flow Control: None

To Export Data from the Vista:

  1. Configure the Color Data Table with the color scale and parameters to be transmitted.
    1. Standardize the Instrument
    2. Select Color Scales, Indices & Illuminant/Obs (Workspace > Color Scales)
    3. Hit Read Button and data will be transferred to the computer.

Screen_Shot_2019-08-01_at_12.38.54_PM.png   2. The data string is shown as follows:




<STX> is the Start of Text (value =0x02)

<ETX> is the End of Text (value =0x03)

$T is the default delimiter.

<SCALE-LABEL> is the Scale Label (e.g. CIELAB)

<ill/Obs> is the ill/Obs name (e.g. D65/10)

<PACKET SIZE> is the Total size (HEX String) of the Packet excluding the <STX> and <ETX>

<LABEL NAME> is the label name (e.g. L*, a*, b*, dE* etc..)

<VALUE> is the value for the preceding Label Name

<CHKSUM> is the Checksum (HEX String) - the sum of all the ASCII values in the total packet play load starting from <PACKET-SIZE> and till <CHKSUM>

 Do you still need more information? Submit a ticket and our support team member will reach out to you soon!


How do I Set up Email service in Vista Essentials?

This tutorial descibes how to configure the email service in Vista for sending files via email

Before beginning, make sure that Vista is connected to the Internet.

1) From the main screen, select the JOBS icon and then click on DATA MANAGEMENT.


2) Select EMAIL.

3) Configure the Email settings using the guidelines below:

Name: Enter the sender's name. The default is the Vista name and serial number.

Server: Enter the Outgoing mail server name. Typically it has the form smtp.<service name>.com, such as

Port: Enter the outgoing server port number. The default port is 465.

Usually an outgoing server employs port 25: it's the default SMTP port. However, some IPs deny its use because of the massive spam and malware traffic by which is affected. This issue is raised in particular when you need to switch to another ISP – for instance, when you're travelling and connecting to a new provider. In this case you can try to use port 587 or port 465 to avoid the block.

SMTP ports

More in detail: port 587 is supported by almost every outgoing SMTP server and it's useful for unencrypted or TLS connections; while port 465 is the right choice if you need to connect via SSL.

If you are unsure of the correct port, please contact your IT department or email service provider for configuration details.

From: Enter the email address for the sender's account, such as <username>@<mailservice>.com

Password: Enter the password used to access the sender's email account

Enable SSL: Check with your service provider. Check the box if Port 465 or 25025 is used.

Enable Authentication: Check with your service provider. Click on OK when the form is completed. A notification will appear indicating success or failure of the setup. If the process fails, please check the information and try again.


To send an email: Repeat steps 1 and 2 to open the Compose Email dialog box.

To: Enter the email address of the person you wish to email.

Subject: Enter a brief description of the contents.

Attachments: Click on the Attachment link and select attachments you would like to include in the email.

Compose: Enter the body of the email.

Select Send Email button when form is completed.

Select Settings to change Email settings *Refer to step 3 for instructions

Select Close to Cancel and Discard the email 

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ICUMSA 420nm and ICUMSA 560nm in Vista

Note: In Vista Essentials 1.04.0056 and above, ICUMSA 420nm and ICUMSA 560nm are added into the list of color indices. If you have Vista Essentials before 1.04.0056, please download the latest Vista Essentials .apk file from here and install it in your Vista.

In the default Indices list, user can find ICUMSA 420-10mm and ICUMSA 560-10mm. 


Before using ICUMSA 420/560, please enter the correct weight% and density (g/ml) of the sample in Custom Indices. Density (g/ml) should range from 0.5 to 2. Weight% (g/g) should range from to 100. Degrees brix is the % w/w of soluble solids in a solution. For example, a Brix50 solution has a weight% of 50. The density of sugar solutions with a different brix degree can be found in a lookup table. 


If user prefers to use the other path length instead of 10mm, please go to "Custom indices" to add ICUMSA 420/560 in other path length. Path length can be any number between 0-100mm. 



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Measuring hot oils/fats in Vista

Many customers have asked us why we do not have the heating unit in Visa for LOVIBOND®/AOCS RY measurements. Unlike PFXi instruments, Vista does not need the heating unit inside for common food oils and fats.

If sample is required to measure at temperature higher than room temperature (e.g to melt fats), 25mm Vials with Cap can be used. Generally, fill the sample in the vial and keep it in a water bath. Then take it out and place it into the vial holder for a quick measurement in Vista. Testing has shown excellent repeatability with this procedure.  

Compared to PFXi instruments:

*Quick measurement:  Vista only take couple seconds to finish one measurement instead of half minute compared to PFXi. 

*Easy sample preparation: Vista can measure sample in vial directly instead of pouring sample out to a 133.35mm (5.25'') glass cell. 


Here is the other article about LOVIBOND RY and AOCS RY in Vista,

 "LOVIBOND" is a registered trademark of the tintometer Ltd., UK.

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Measuring Liquid Turbidity (NTU) using Vista

NTU-10mm index is available in VISTA Essentials to measure liquid turbidity from 0-150 NTU.  A 10mm large format flat cells or cuvettes (Macro, Semi-Micro, and Ultra-Micro) can be used to measure turbidity samples. 

For the user who would like to measure their samples in small volume, Ultra-Micro Cuvettes (Max Volume 850ul) can be used. 

Accessory Information: 

HunterLab D02-1017-344 10mm Macro Open Cuvette Sample Holder

HunterLab D02-1017-390 10mm Semi-Micro Open Cuvette Sample Holder

HunterLab D02-1017-391 10mm Ultra-Micro Open Cuvette Sample Holder

HunterLab PN#13-8573-40 10mm Large Format Glass/Plastic Rectangular cell

HunterLab D02-1017-192 Multi-Function Base Plate

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How to setup LOVIBOND® RYBN and AOCS RY in Vista Essentials

HunterLab’s Vista transmittance spectrophotometer offers a faster and more modern method for color measurement using the LOVIBOND® RYBN and AOCS color indices. Rather than requiring the use of expensive and hard to clean 1” or 5.25” transmittance cells, Vista enables measurements of LOVIBOND® RYBN indices in standard transmittance cells and vials such as 10mm, 20mm 24mm, 33mm or 50mm, and accurately reports the results in either 1” or 5.25” cell pathlengths. 

HunterLab’s implementation of LOVIBOND®/AOCS color scales are derived from the standard methods (AOCS Cc 13e-92/BS 684-1.14, and AOCS Cc 13b-45) and based on the original work done by National Institute of Standards Technology. The results are precise reporting of LOVIBOND® Color in a modern spectrophotometer that provides fast and reliable color information. LOVIBOND® RYBN is implemented in Essentials version release 21 and higher. LOVIBOND® RYBN is implemented in Essentials Rev79 and higher.

HunterLab has extended the Vista transmittance spectrophotometer’s value by providing flexible measurement and reporting parameters. The Red and Yellow values are reported together in one measurement with both cell pathlength measured, and cell pathlength reported. To report 1” or 5.25” LOVIBOND®/AOCS values, the user can measure their samples using a variety of standard cell path lengths. The precision provided by Vista even permits the use of a 10mm cell to measure the difficult light color samples and accurately report LOVIBOND®/ AOCS values at 5.25” pathlength. Taking less than 5 seconds per measurement, the result is improved productivity with less material.

Configuring Vista to Measure and Report Lovibond® RY color values

The following is an example using 20 mm flat sample cell and reporting LOVIBOND®RY at 133.35 mm (5.25''). 

  2. Click CUSTOM INDICES button, then click LOVIBOND in custom indices dialog.  Enter the CELL PATH LENGTH (mm) that will be used (The cell pathlength number must be from 0 to 100 with maximum one decimal). Select the REPORT PATH LENGTH for the output desired. As a suggestion, use "1 inch" for very dark samples and "5.25 inch" for light samples. If you want to report LOVIBOND® RY, check "RY" radios button;  If you want to report LOVIBOND® RYBN, check "RYBN" radios button. Click SAVE to go back to Indices tab. 
  3. From the Indices tab, select the LOVIBOND® Lov-Y[C/2] and Lov-R[C/2](If you want to use LOVIBOND® RYBN, please select all 4 RYBN indices.).

Note: LOVIBOND® RYBN is displayed as 4 separate indices., we only show two selections.  LOVIBOND® RY together or LOVIBOND® RYBN together. If you configure LOVIBOND® RYBN in step 2 and you only select one index LOVIBOND® R in Indices tab, it will automatically report 4 LOVIBOND® RYBN indices together.


4. To save the above setup for future use, click WORKSPACE > SAVE WORKSPACE.  When prompted to Save, select NO to create a new Workspace Name.

        Enter the NAME of the Workspace. Such as, "Lovibond" & cell pathlength

Taking Measurements

Standardize using the sample cell filled with distilled water.


Note: Standardization is required when changing cell path lengths or if the standardization interval has expired.

Empty cell, dry, and fill with desired sample to measure.


Read sample and enter the desired sample name. You may wish to include the cell path length that was used as part of the name. For example, name the sample with cell pathlength, like "20mm sample1". Since you can always change the cell/report pathlength value through LOVIBOND® configuration, it is necessary to know what true cell pathlength was used to measure this sample.

For a simplified presentation of measurement data, Vista also offers the EZ View screen to show LOVIBOND® RY data.


Note: If you want to use a different pathlength cell to measure samples. Please open a new job, and repeat the above steps. If you do not open a new job, directly apply the new LOVIBOND® cell pathlength, all the existing samples LOVIBOND® RY will be recalculated to this new configuration.

“LOVIBOND”  is a registered trademark of The Tintometer Ltd, UK.

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What standard does the % Haze meet? ASTM D1003 or ISO 14782?

Question: Does the Vista comply to ISO 14782 Determination of Haze for transparent materials

There are three defined ways to measure Haze;

ISO 14782 Hazemeter with Compensation method Report %Haze D65/10

ASTM D1003 Procedure A: Hazementer method Report %Haze C/2 or A/2

ASTM D1003 Procedure B: Spectrophotometer method Report %Haze C/2 or A/2

ASTM D1003 Procedure B: Spectrophotometer method1 Report %Haze C/2 or A/2


HunterLab compensation method using the Haze port instead of a dedicated Compensation port to determine the intensity of light scattered by the instrument.

ISO 14782 is written such that only a dedicated Hazemeter with photo detection that occurs in a sphere that has three ports; Entrance, Exit, and Compensation meets this requirement. VISTA does not conform to this method, but a dedicated Hazemeter cannot provide colorimetric results such as XYZ or Lab. 

The VISTA does conform to ASTM D1003 Procedure B, and when we employ the HunterLab compensation we get very good correlation to the ISO method. ISO states that in their round robin testing between the ISO 14782 and ASTM D1003 method there was an average 8.9% difference in readings. HunterLab’s testing using our ASTM compliant VISTA with the HunterLab compensation method the differences were significantly less.



Measuring APHA using Vista and large cell holder accessory (VIDEO)

You Tube:  

Sprout (Asia):

Vista Foot Switch Availability VTS00602 and above


Vista serial numbers VTS00602 with Vista Essentials 1.06.0090 and above are available to use the Foot Switch accessory. Just attach the footswitch using the round 3 pin connector.

For sensors with serial numbers VTS00601 and below, a hardware and software upgrade is needed.  See attached for hardware update details.

Measure Haze/Turbidity(NTU) with Round Vials

As we mentioned in the other article, a round vial can not be used directly for Haze standardization and measurement.

We have made special vial holders with lens to read the color and haze for liquid sample in round vial. 

*D02-1018-759 24mm Vial Holder for Haze  (use together with D02-1017-224 baseplate)

* D02-1018-077 ISO 2R/4R Vial Holder for Haze  (use together with D02-1017-192 baseplate)

*D02-1020-429  13mm(OD)  Vial Holder for Haze (use together with D02-1017-192 baseplate)

*D02-1021-080  12mm(OD)  Vial Holder for Haze (use together with D02-1017-192 baseplate)



We can provide the other vial holder with lens for color and haze measurement as well if required. 

24mm vial:



2R/4R vial:


(Note: We used the ISO 2R/4R round vials from SCHOTT.) 


13mm OD or 12mm OD vial:

11mm.png11mm vial 4.jpg


VISTA Sample Holders

Comprehensive list of VISTA sample handling accessories

Updated November 30, 2016

Vista's Film & Cell holder for measuring Color and Haze (VIDEO)

You Tube:  

Sprout (Asia):

Large Cell Holder accessory for Vista (VIDEO)

You Tube: 

Sprout (Asia):

Preform Holder accessory for Vista (VIDEO)


Sprout (Asia):

Answers to questions we're often asked.

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Vista EasyMatch Essentials

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