FAQ: "Does a barcode reader work without the computer? That is, can I directly hook it to the MiniScan EZ?"
The A13-1014-254 USB Barcode Scanner does not require a computer interface but connects directly into the MiniScan EZ with a small adapter A21-1013-859 cable that comes standard with the sensor.
A13-1014-254 USB Barcode Scanner
This USB barcode reader is automatically detected by MiniScan EZ through the USB Adapter Cable A21-1013-859 (comes standard with MSEZ) and scans product IDs directly into the instrument.
After every reading the User is prompted to read in the barcode as a Sample ID. This barcode is part of the saved data record in the Datalog and will be exported to a CSV file.
The customer can use their own third-party USB barcode scanner and it should work. If they purchase A13-1014-254 USB Barcode Scanner, we guarantee it will work.
FAQ: "Does this USB barcode reader work with ColorFlex EZ"
Yes, only you just need the A21-1012-995 USB Standard cable (1 meter long) that attaches to the USB barcode reader. It plugs into one of the 2 USB ports on the side of the CFEZ without any further adapter cables.
FAQ: "I am using a MiniScan EX and reading in product barcodes as Sample IDs on site, then I return to the lab and upload the data records into EasyMatch QC.
I then will use the MiniScan EZ in the lab to make measurements but here it will make measurements directly to EasyMatch QC. Will this A13-1014-254 USB Barcode Scanner read directly into the Sample ID prompt of EasyMatch QC tethered to the MiniScan EZ?"
Yes. You just have to plug this USB barcode scanner directly into a USB port. Your Windows operating system should recognize this device and load the driver for it automatically through Windows.
If it does not, go to the web site of the barcode scanner manufacturer and download the appropriate driver for installation. It should be recognized and you can scan in a barcode into the Standard or Sample ID.
FAQ: "Can I also scan in barcode entries for products into the Product and Extra ID fields?"
Yes, as far as EasyMatch is concerned, scanning in a barcode is just like you typing it in on a keyboard.
FAQ: Can this this A13-1014-254 USB Barcode Scanner work in EasyMatch QC work with other sensors We have a MiniScan EZ in the field and want to use the barcode scanner there, and an UltraScan VIS in the lab. All of the data will be uploaded or read into EasyMatch QC."
Yes, in EasyMatch QC, you can use the A13-1014-254 USB Barcode Scanner to enter barcode entries into Standard, Sample, Series, Product and Extra ID string fields for any HunterLab sensor model.
FAQ: "We have barcode scanner that is attached to the keyboard on our PC. Can this be used to enter Sample IDs into EasyMatch QC?"
Yes. Your barcode reader is just like a keyboard entry to our software. Both are allowed.
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