SpectraTrend HT Spectrophotometer

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ColorFlex EZ Tomato Spectrophotometer

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ColorFlex EZ Coffee Spectrophotometer

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ColorFlex EZ Citrus Spectrophotometer

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ColorFlex EZ Spectrophotometer

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UltraScan PRO Spectrophotometer

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Enhanced Analytical Cell Holders and Base Assembly

Enhanced Cell Holder Base with Precision Cell Holders

HunterLab introduces a new and improved Analytical Cell Holder (D02-1016-956) replacing the Semi-Micro Cell Holder (L02-1012-202).

These newly designed cell holders and base will improve repeatability and accuracy for customers measuring small volumes of samples in plastic or glass macro, semi-micro, and ultra-micro cells.  The new array of customized cell holders are designed to precisely fit each type of supported cell.  The interchangeable cell holders allow the user to quickly switch between custom cells without the need for tools or removal of the Cell Holder Base.  Locating pins and magnetic interface ensure accurate and repeatable positioning.

 Supported Applications

Solutions and liquids are used widely in the pharmaceutical industry.  Color control is critical to this industry.  Some liquids are very expensive for the customer, so a very small amount of product may be available for color measurement.  Our precision cell holders are the perfect solution for these customers.

(Full details attached below)